Useful Links
Useful Links
Listed below are some websites that the Resident’s of Northwest Harris County MUD 16 may find useful.
Please note that Northwest Harris County MUD 16 does not endorse nor ascertain the validity of the information or content provided on these sites. It is the responsibility of the site owner to provide and verify the content of their site.
Association of Water Board Directors
Formed in the early 1970’s to promote unity and education among the various water districts in Texas.
Harris County Appraisal District
Established in 1980 for the purpose of discovering and appraising property for ad valorem tax purposes.
Harris/Galveston Coastal Subsidence District
Created to provide for the regulation of groundwater withdrawal throughout Harris and Galveston counties for the purpose of preventing land subsidence.
Hillsdale Creek Home Owners Association
Community Manager, Edith Ernwall, tel:281-531-0002281-531-0002
Houston Texas Weather Radar
Provides quick access to radar imagery provided by National Weather Service.
North Harris County Regional Water Authority
Assigned to develop and implement a strategy for complying with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District’s Regulatory Plan within its boundaries.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
Strives to protect our state's public health and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development.
Texas Public Utilities Commission
Regulates the state's electric, telecommunication, and water and sewer utilities, implements respective legislation, and offers customer assistance in resolving consumer complaints.
Water Smart Program
Public awareness campaign for water conservation sponsored by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board.