Security Patrol

On site

In addition to local law enforcement and emergency services, Northwest Harris Co. MUD 16 has also contracted with On-Site Protection to task off-duty police officers to patrol the district.

What's the Difference?

A security guard is not a police officer and they have no more authority than an average citizen.

When a citizen or security guard detains a suspect, they must contact local law enforcement to complete the report and potentially arrest the individual.

An off-duty police officer is a fully-licensed peace officer who is assigned to your area.

They are equipped and trained in the latest procedures, and have arresting power and authority to enforce the law.

Harris Country Sheriff's Office

Emergency: Dial 9-1-1

On-Site Protection

To report a non-emergency, suspicious activity, or for assistance: tel:281-826-4060281-826-4060

Tips for Safeguarding your Home

Security boxes pic

The crime rate in NWHCMUD 16 is already much lower than surrounding neighborhoods, however you can take steps to prevent crime by observing the following:

  • Collapse all boxes placed curbside for trash pickup, making them indistinguishable. This eliminates a glimpse in to recently purchased contents (like a big TV box).
  • Keep garage doors closed and locked if possible.
  • Lock all windows.
  • Lock your car doors.
  • If going out of town, have a neighbor or friend collect your mail, shuffle the cars parked in the driveway, and alternate which lights are left on in the house at night. This prevents the home from looking vacant.