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Hurricane Season is Coming!

Are you ready for Hurricane Season?

Although hurricane season does not officially begin until June 1st, pre-season activity is not uncommon. Experts are predicting a busier than year. Don't wait until there is a storm brewing. Take the time to prepare now!

1. Make a Plan

Create a written evacuation plan complete with a list of important phone numbers and at least two evacuation routes in case you must leave. make sure you keep your gas tanks FULL in case you get stuck in heavy traffic.

2. Gather Disaster Supplies

Have a disaster kit ready. A good rule of thumb is to have enough non-perishable food, water, medicine, and masks to last each person in your family at least a week. Here again, it is vital to keep your vehicles full of gas, even if you can no longer evacuate.

3. Review Your Documents

Check your insurance policy and renew your flood insurance. Most flood insurance policies take at least 30 days to become effective. Don't get caught without the coverage you need!

4. Stay Informed

NOAA's National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center are your official sources for hurricane forecasts and the issuance of hurricane watches and warnings. You may also wish to check these local resources for additional information:

  • Ready Harris

  • Houston Office of Emergency Management

And don't forget to subscribe to Memorial MUD's Emergency Alerts!

Get Prepared. Stay Informed. Stay Safe!

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